1. Google!
You can learn so much just by perusing through Google. Need to format content for a website but don’t know html? Try searching “basic html codes,” and you’ll quickly find what you need: like this. Maybe you’re at the office, and you hear someone refer to “Linux,” but you have no idea what it is. Search “Linux,” and quickly be able to jump in the conversation. There’s even much to learn about Google itself; have you ever tried a Google command?
2. Keep up to date with tech blogs
There are several popular tech blogs and websites that can help keep you informed. Some of our favorites (besides our own, of course) include:
3. Know the different developing softwares
4. Check out technology companies’ LinkedIn sites
Many companies are turning to LinkedIn to keep customers and followers updated. Whether it be a new product or sharing other tech related news, most companies are constantly updating their LinkedIn sites. Some of our favorites are:
There’s a multitude of ways to jump start your knowledge, we’ve just listed a few. Maybe there’s one specific area of the technology industry you want to focus on. That’s fine too! Become an expert in that category. People will be impressed you know something. Let us know what you’re learning about in the comments!