ServerMonkey Blog

IT Differences Explained: Rackmounts, Software Sourcing, Mac v Windows

Written by Katherine Creeden | Jul 31, 2014 2:00:00 PM

The IT world is filled with differences. From differences between one server to the next, to different softwares, to different hard drives. You have options in every aspect of technology. This month, we’ve considered just three aspects to break down for you. 1U, 2U, RedU, BlueU

Rackmount servers: 1U, 2U, 3U, 4U, 5U, 6U, and 7U. The “U” stands for units and represents the height of the rackmount. The smallest server being the 1U, and the largest server being the 7U. Each U, or unit, measures about a 1 ¾ inches high. The larger the server, the more room there is to expand. Smaller businesses want to start out with smaller servers, like the 1U or 2U, while larger businesses may want to go with a larger server like a 7U. A full sized rack is 42U.

Open vs Closed Source

Open software is free game. Anyone can tinker with the codes, add something, delete something, you name it. Software engineers work together to create the initial code, and let the world do as it wishes. People can modify the source code anyway he or she may wish. Closed software is the complete opposite. Simply put, any user cannot go in and change the source code. If a person runs into a problem, a ticket is sent saying “fix this,” and the wait begins. Linux is an open source software, while Microsoft is a closed source software.

Mac or Windows?

The debate as old as time: Mac or Windows? Each machine has its pros and cons, and we’ve weighed in on them. While macs have fewer viruses and require less maintenance, windows has more software and offers greater flexibility. Mac offers straightforward computing with a friendly user interface, but today, Windows is more widely used around the world. On the inside, both products are equipped with Intel processors. Windows has the upper hand on touchscreen computers, but Mac has the upper hand with Retina displays. Lastly, Macs are able to run OSX and Windows, while PCs are only able to run Windows.

These are just some of the IT differences the IT world faces every day. Which side are you on? Let us know in the comments and tell us what you want to see featured in our next differences blog!