ServerMonkey Blog

21st Century Bed Buddies and How They’re Ruining Your Life

Written by The Monkey | Aug 29, 2014 3:00:00 PM

Chances are we know who you slept with last night. Or rather “what”. An informal survey conducted with BuzzFeed employees suggests that about 70% of smartphone owners regularly cuddle up at night with their devices. Another 41% said they snuggle with their electronic BFF every night.

The addiction to smartphones has increasingly altered our everyday lives. With the FOMO ever so prevalent, the ability to disconnect is becoming harder and harder. And yes, it is ruining your sleep patterns and workplace productivity. Exposure to excessive light at night apparently isn’t doing us any favors either. The American Medical Association now recognizes that light at night could increase the risk of diseases, including cancer. A formal study found that smartphone use after 9pm was associated with decreased sleep quantity at night. The decreased sleep at night was also associated with morning depletion the next day and decreased work engagement throughout the day. By keeping us mentally engaged later in the evening, smartphones are the perfect weapon against a sound sleep at night.

How many times have you caught yourself thumbing through your e-mail or Facebook postings and though, “I just wish I could fall asleep.”? It’s ok. You don’t have to hang your head in shame. Just put the phone down, and back away slowly.